The Hall of Judgement: Thotcrime - ønyøurcømputer

Daniel has requested that this release be submitted into the Hall of Judgement. If you agree with the below change request, vote YES. If you don't, vote NO.

Request: Thotcrime's "ønyøurcømputer" album should be removed from The Horde whilst maintaining its position in The Revolution.

This change will remove the Grindcore genre from the release while maintaining its Metalcore tag.

Member comment: "Thotcrime's 'ønyøurcømputer' is a release that takes the sounds of The Revolution & injects them with a raw infusion of grindcore & electronics to give it an additional dose of chaos. There’s certainly not enough grindcore on offer to be able to justify Grindcore being claimed as a primary genre though in my opinion & I’d suggest that the Mathcore subgenre all that’s required here. There are a few hints at avant-garde metal at times but the dominant elements of this album are clearly rooted in the mathy end of The Revolution so I'd like to see 'ønyøurcømputer' removed from The Horde & the Grindcore genre."

NOTE: Only members of The Horde &/or The Revolution can vote on this judgement. Once 15 votes of Yes or No have been entered, the Hall will make its judgement.

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The Horde
The Revolution
The Hall of Judgement: Thotcrime - ønyøurcømputer Cover