The Hall of Judgement: Amaranthe - Manifest

Daniel has requested that this release be submitted into the Hall of Judgement. If you agree with the below change request, vote YES. If you don't, vote NO.

Request: Amaranthe's "Manifest" album should be added to The Guardians on top of its existing position in The Revolution.

This change will add the Power Metal genre to the release.

Member comment: "Amaranthe's latest album sits far closer to Power Metal than it does to Melodic Metalcore so I'd like to submit a Hall entry to see it added it Power Metal under The Guardians."

NOTE: Only members of The Revolution &/or The Guardians can vote on this judgement. Once 15 votes of Yes or No have been entered, the Hall will make its judgement.

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The Guardians
The Revolution
The Hall of Judgement: Amaranthe - Manifest Cover