The Hall of Judgement: Pain of Salvation - Scarsick
PrincetteScarecrow has requested that this release be submitted into the Hall of Judgement. If you agree with the below change request, vote YES. If you don't, vote NO.
Request: Pain of Salvation's "Scarsick" album should be added to The Gateway.
This change would add the Alternative Metal genre to this release.
Member Comment: "I believe a lot of the voting for prog metal on Pain of Salvation's Scarsick was based more on the band being synonymous with prog metal as opposed to the actual sound of the album. There's, like, maybe one prog metal song (Flame to the Moth). The rest is much less centered around prog metal elements and are a lot more centered around it's various non-metal influences (hip hop, funk, disco, punk, etc.). With that in mind, I feel like Scarsick should be removed from The Infinite and placed in The Gateway as an alternative metal album."
NOTE: Only members of The Infinite and/or The Gateway can vote on this judgement. Once 15 votes of Yes or No have been entered, the Hall will make its judgement.
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