Reviews list for Scar Symmetry - Pitch Black Progress (2006)

Pitch Black Progress

Earlier today I reviewed an album by Mercenary where I stated that it was pretty much perfect, I just longed for a little more brutality.

Scar Symmetry comes out with this and delivers a similar experience except this time it's a little heavier, and we get harsher vocals, so this is perfect! I would explain the sound of this album and it's subject matter to be a heavier, and darker version of Fear Factory's output. I introduced this album to a friend of mine who is getting his metal 101, and loves Fear Factory. He loves this too. I love this, and would hope you give it a shot to fall in love with as well. It's Pitch Black Perfection!

ZeroSymbolic7188 ZeroSymbolic7188 / June 03, 2024 02:16 PM