Reviews list for Coffin Mulch - Septic Funeral (2021)

Septic Funeral

Septic Funeral is the second EP from Glaswegians Coffin Mulch. It sounds exactly as you would expect from a band called Coffin Mulch. It's mixture of old-school, d-beat-influenced deathmetal and Autopsy-style death doom. It is rank and foetid sounding, it's guttural growls seeping up through the mix like some noxious fumes issuing from an abyssal crevice. Anyone who has taken any note of any of my bullshit up until now will also know then that this is right up my street. So, no it doesn't really offer anything new, but I happen to dig it, so there we have it!

Sonny Sonny / October 07, 2022 10:26 AM